donderdag 7 februari 2013

Working in Battambang

Hi everyone

Last week Simon and I went to Battambang, Cambodia's second biggest city situated in the Northwest of the country. Accompanied by Griet an Sokhany we left of for a six hours taxi drive to maybe even the most French city in Asia.

When we went to the RTTC (Regional Teacher Training Center) we were welcomed by the schools principal. 'Bonjour, Comment allez-vous?' The ice was broken and we were ready for the first of many ceremonies.

After the ceremony we could meet 'our' personal students, some of the teacher trainers and got a tour around the science classes at the RTTC.

Ceremony at RTTC

Meeting the students

Meeting the students

Talking to the principal

Testing equipment in the science labs

Later on our students had to sign up for their own internship so we joined them to their practice schools. More ceremonies and speeches but always friendly smiles and talks.

Ceremony at practice school

Joining the students during the ceremony

Cambodian lesson plan

Practice group Earth Science/Biology

We installed our office, started working at the experiment boxes, helped students with their lessens, ...

We're really starting to enjoy ourself in Battambang.

Hear you later,

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